
FreeNAS は一気に 0.686b1 に。

ヤマノイモ Dioscorea japonica (Thunb.)<br />植物界(Plantae)  被子植物門(Magnoliophyta)  単子葉植物綱(Liliopsida)  ヤマノイモ目(Dioscoreales)  ヤマノイモ科(Dioscoreaceae)  ヤマノイモ属(Dioscorea)

 PCを簡単にNASにしてしまうことができるオープンソースのフリーソフトウェア、FreeNAS が一気に機能充実したようだ。主要なアップデートの内容は以下のとおり。


Majors changes:
- Upgrade fusefs-ntfs to 1.1004.
- Upgrade lighttpd to 1.4.18.
- Upgrade netbsd-iscsi (iscsi-target) to 20070925.
- Refactor GEOM-Eli implementation + WebGUI. Now it is possible to add existing encrypted disks
and change passwords for a encrypted disk.
- Improve device detection for configuration storage when booting from LiveCD.
- Update zoneinfo files.
- Add 'System/Packages' WebGUI page to administrate packages (only available in 'full' install mode).
- Add LDAP Authentication: Thanks to Andreas Neth and David Rush for their help
- Add email status report.
- Add 'Status/Report' WebGUI page to administrate email status report.
- Upgrade iSCSI Target to version 20070925.
- Update 'iSCSI Target' WebGUI + services. Now it is possible to expand existing targets and define
RAID0 and RAID1 devices. It is also possible to use disk devices as extents.
- Refactor complete user/group management (code, services & WebGUI).
- Add scheduled reboot feature.
- Add 'System/Advanced/Cron' WebGUI to administrate additional cron jobs.
- Add new languages: Slovenian, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian and Norwegian Bokmal.
- Add new SSH settings to WebGUI: Password authentication.
- Add WOL patch for some NIC (http://stsp.name/wol/).
- Add 'Hosts allow' and 'Hosts deny' settings on Samba shares WebGUI page.
- Add 'chroot everyone' setting on FTP WebGUI page (Thanks to Francois Allard).
- Add 'Home directory' support in user management (Thanks to Francois Allard).
- Refactor 'System/Advanced/Startup'. Renamed to 'System/Advanced/Command scripts'. Add ability to define scripts executed before system shutdown.
- Add SNMP service support.
- Upgrade Samba to 3.0.26a.
- Permit to convert a 'full' release to an 'embedded' (from the CDROM)
- Add proxy support (WebGUI: 'System/Advanced/Proxy').
- Add volume label support when formating disks.
- Modified boot image file system parameter to support USB booting on a greater number of systems. Maybe some booting problems with LiveCD are also solved.

 iSCSIが面白そうだなぁ。PCをiSCSI Target化する iSCSI Enterprise Target なんてのも試してみたいところだ。

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