Firefox, Python and iTunes eat much
I installed Python for checking usefulness of Plone. On Task manager of Windows XP, It uses 69,828KB main memory. My PC has 1GB physical, the capacity of Python uses are much value. And there are other memory eater else, Firefox and Gmail use more than 100MB and iTunes uses 57MB. I want memory capacity more and more. But the memory type of my PC is RIMM (Rambus inline memory module). Someone knows it is past form factor.
Now, Firefox uses 118MB. I want to know why it use such much memory. Is there any measure for reduceing memory using?
Firefoxのメモリ食いは有名であるが、ずーと眺めていると結構不安になる。原因の幾つかはは JavaScript であろうと思うが、それにしても100MB以上を使うというのはあまりにも贅沢すぎると思う。/.j にメモリーの使用を抑制するオプションについて書かれた記事を見たことがあるが探し当てられるかどうか自信が無い。
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